Curcumin articles

Curcumin is the main active compound in turmeric, and in recent years its popularity has skyrocketed. Learn more about curcumin by reading my articles. 

Curcumin and The Brain: What you need to know

Curcumin and The Brain: What you need to know This is the fourth article in our curcumin series. You can read the other items in this series by clicking here. How well do you know your spices? Are you a spice master like Lior Lev Sercarz, the self-proclaimed "King of Spices”? Or are you a complete novice still trying to figure out the difference between cumin and curcumin? Regardless of where you stand in the spice hierarchy, there are some spices that you must have heard off, and one of them

Curcumin and the Immune System

This is the second article in our series on curcumin. If you haven’t had a chance to read the first article in this series, click here. Have you ever stopped to wonder how our bodies work? They are marvelous feats of biology and engineering that scientists are still working to understand. We are continually learning new things about our bodies, but at the same time, there is a lot we do not know. Our bodies are marvels of biology and engineering.

Curcumin: The reason we love turmeric

In India, if you go to a spice shop and ask for turmeric, the attendant may give you a knowing smile, nod their head and say, “Ah, the golden spice.” It’s no secret that Indians love turmeric; they are the world's largest producers and consumers of the spice. In Sanskrit, the language of Indian classics, turmeric has many names: Most of these names reference turmeric’s golden color, it's the spice's most well-known feature. But do you know what gives turmeric its distinct hue?

Curcumin and The Heart: What you need to know

This is the third article in our series on how curcumin affects the body. In the first article, we looked at curcumin in general. In the second article, we looked at how curcumin interacts with the immune system. And in this article, we are going to look at how curcumin interacts with the heart. Let’s dive in. Someone once compared the human body to a car, and I am yet to find a more apt comparison to describe the complexity of the human condition. A car is an intricate marvel of engineering, a

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